Creating Booking Links
Step 1 - Booking Link Basics
Step 2 - Set Availability
- Step 2 - Set Availability Overview
- Appointment Length/Buffer Time
- Lead Time/Advance Notice
- Limit how far in the future your customers can book
- "Make Me Look Busy" Beta Feature
- Allowing your customers to cancel/reschedule their appointments
Step 3 - Gather Information, Payments & Trigger Automation
- Step 3 - Gather Information, Payments & Trigger Automation Overview
- Gather Information: New contact/customer - Require Form
- Gather Information: Existing Contact/Customer - From List
- Accepting online payments for your appointments with Stripe
- Trigger Automation - TIMER Events, Emails, Text, API Calls
- Trigger Automation - Confirmation, Reminder, and Followup Emails
Step 4 - Save/Publish/Share
- Step 4 - Save/Publish/Share Overview
- Choosing your Booking Link View Type
- Customizing your Booking Link
- How to tailor appointment requests to your brand (customization options)
- Sharing your Booking Link Overview
- Using Booking Links in emails
Integrating your Booking Links with Infusionsoft
- Integrating your Booking Links with Infusionsoft Overview
- Create contact records in Infusionsoft when a customer schedules with you
- Apply tags in Infusionsoft to trigger campaign emails and other actions
- Using cancel/reschedule tags in Infusionsoft to trigger cancel campaigns and emails
- Adding appointment information to Infusionsoft Custom Fields for use in campaign emails
- AppointmentCore automatically assign contact owner upon scheduling