
Redirect to new page after embed redirect

You can insert a bit of code in your confirmation message that can redirect the entire page, rather than just in the area where the booking widget is located. To do this, insert a snippet of code into the Confirmation Message of the Booking Link, and input the URL of the page you want your customers to be redirected: 
1. Go to the last step of the Booking Link and click "Customize":
Inline image 1
2. Under Confirmation Message, insert this code and fill in the part in bold:
<h2>You will be redirected shortly</h2>
<script type="text/javascript">
var redirectUrl = "[INSERT REDIRECT URL HERE]";
var current = document.location;
current = String(current);
//alert(typeof current);
var urlpart = current.split("?");
var allGetVariables = urlpart[1];
redirectUrl = redirectUrl + "?" + allGetVariables;
window.parent.location = redirectUrl;
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